Volunteer for Rainbows in Monmouth County
Rainbows welcomes the opportunity to meet new volunteers. However, it may not be possible for everyone who wishes to volunteer, to get that chance.
The site coordinators of each site maintain the responsibility of the selection of volunteers. The coordinators work within the policy guidelines of the site, which states whom may, or may not be allowed to work with children. The site may require background checks, fingerprinting, and additional classes, in order to protect children.
Rainbows has additional requirements which must be met in order that the site. Our volunteers are “Loving Listeners”, not therapists.
Volunteers who work directly with the children must:
Be 21 years of age
Have previous experience working with and enjoy being with children
Have the ability to listen to and communicate feelings
Have a deep love, respect, and concern for grieving children
Have the ability to accept tension and painful emotions without becoming personally defensive, or incapable of response.
Have the ability to maintain confidentiality
Work well with other adults
Have the confidence to admit they may not have the answers, but instead have a willingness to help the children find their own answers
Have the ability to separate personal opinions and values, and assist the children without prejudice
Have a willingness to listen without giving advice
Willing and able to volunteer 1 to 2 hours a week for each of the 16 weekly meetings, including arriving early for preparation time, and attend a 4-hour advance training available on the Internet
Not have experienced a death, separation, or divorce within the past 2 years
If you are not able to meet this criteria, you may still be able to volunteer in another capacity. You may contact the local site coordinators (see home page on the left panel) or contact the Monmouth County Rainbows coordinators Carol Colao (Monmouth Beach Rainbows Location) at 732-841-8456 and Joanne Mercadante (Freehold Rainbows Location) at (732) 239-6870 or email us at [email protected] for details.
Help us to help children accept the change in their family, develop coping skillls to deal with their feelings, and to share in a trusted and confidential environment with others who have had similar experiences of grief.